Thursday, 31 January 2019

Meet the 2019 CEEC Rebellion committee!

The 2019 CEEC Rebellion is almost upon us! UEA’s Centre for Ecology, Evolution & Conservation are holding a fun and informative two-day meeting to present some of the research carried out by its members. This year’s Rebellion is taking place on 21st-22nd March, and will include talks from current PhD and post-doctoral researchers, as well as plenary talks from internal and external faculty members.

The Rebellion this year is being brought to you by the committee members below - If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the event, feel free to contact us in person, by email, or tweet us @CEECRebellion

Watch this space for more information about themes, tickets and the programme for the event.

Chris Butler (BIO)

Chris is a first year PhD student interested in the genetic processes that shape speciation. Chris is currently investigating the contribution that transposable elements may have had in the adaptive radiation of the Corydoras catfish.

Harry Ewing (BIO)

Harry is an ornithologist focused on researching the applied ecology and conservation of breeding waders. He is currently a first year PhD student, researching the causes of curlew declines in the UK and how to best to conserve important lowland populations.

Kirsty Franklin (BIO)

Kirsty is a first year PhD student interested in movement ecology and conservation. Her PhD is using a combination of spatial, genetic, demographic, and environmental data in order to investigate the drivers of ocean movement patterns in Round Island petrels.

 Jethro Gauld (ENV)

Jethro is a conservation ecology PhD Student interested in environmental change, movement ecology and alleviating anthropogenic pressures. Jethro’s project uses new GPS tracking technology to help target mitigation of renewable energy and power line installations to reduce the risk of collision and electrocution for birds. For more information please see his UEA profile:

Elie Kent (BIO)

Elie is another first year PhD student, looking at how genomic tools can be used to study plant-pollinator interactions, specifically bees and berries. By using next generation sequencing, she hopes to find out more about bee foraging be(e)haviour in agricultural landscapes than current methodologies allow.

Jenny Livesey (BIO)

Jenny is an entomologist who is currently in the first year of her PhD. Her research looks into the occurrence and resolution of social conflict within colonies of bumble bees. Jenny’s research combines both observational and genetic data to determine the roles dominance and policing play in maintaining social stability.

Enya O’Reilly (BIO)

Enya is a first year PhD student whose research looks into Pan-European biodiversity indicators specifically bird species and pollinators across varied habitats. The aim of her project is to generate improved methods of choosing indicator species based on species’ habitat reliance, niche space and functional role. This approach will aim to accurately reflect ever-changing community biodiversity under continued anthropogenic pressures.

Kris Sales (BIO)

Kris is an evolutionary ecologist primarily interested in how selection, like climate change, shapes reproduction, behaviour and lifespan. In his PhD project “Putting the heat on insect reproduction” he used controlled experiments on laboratory populations of flour beetles. He explored how and why heatwaves impact reproduction, and if there were consequences for long term adaptation or transgenerational effects. He currently working in a project looking at the transgenerational costs of lifespan extension in nematodes. He can be found at and @KrisSales1992.

Professor Jenny Gill (BIO)